Cattle branding 2010

I’ve just been to my first cattle branding party ever and now that I’m ready to write the post I notice there is no category for me to place this post under! Cattle it is, and calves they were. A few weeks ago I had my first farm stay guest–a cowboy from Alberta. After coming all the way to Howling Duck Ranch for a much needed holiday (and to help butcher my goats!), he kindly invited me to come to a cattle branding party.

I have always loved the idea of cowboy ranching and here was an opportunity to see it live and in person. I’ve loved western movies all my life and can practically recite the dialogue from Lonesome Dove with little encouragement. Since that first trip out to the farm of my dad’s friend when I was 5 years old, I have wanted to farm and own cows. The more recent addition to the fantasy was to work them from a horse. Having  not been born into a ranching family nor even known one, I never thought I would ever get the opportunity–and now here it was being offered on my blog!

“It’s in a place called Pine Lake, Alberta,” Jeff told me when I called to ask him if the offer was serious. “We’ll be rounding them up, branding, tagging, vaccinating, and castrating… I think you’ll really enjoy it.”

I laughed. “Well, that’s some first date,” but I was secretly thrilled.

Some of the calves waiting to be branded.

For the first while I hung back, took photos, and observed all the goings on. The people were rounding the calves up and cutting them to get them into the chute. Others were keeping the fires going for the branding tools. Some were on ear tagging duty. Jeff was in charge of vaccinations and yet another fellow was doing the castrating.

“Kristeva wants to do the cutting” Jeff announced matter-of-factly while the men were delegating tasks. Much to my horror, they nearly took him seriously. Flattered, but not quite that game, I quietly declined. The look on one man’s face told me he would have loved to be relieved of the task–maybe it hurts internally to do that job when you are a man!

Lots of folks involved in the different aspects of the job. This view from the calf pen on through to the chute.

With all that was going on around me, it was a bit overwhelming to say the least. To make matters more confusing for an inexperienced greenhorn like me there were three different men’s cattle to brand, which made the job of cutting more exciting. I was determined to get in on the action and learn how to do something. When I finally felt brave enough I asked if I could learn to cut and run the calves up the chute. The man who would be my mentor looked me up and down, “I don’t know” he said, reluctance oozing out of his every pour. “Even with my 25+ years of experience one of them little buggers nearly got me in the chops just this morning.” He looked at my clean jeans and pink trimmed jean shirt and was busy summing me up, “Are you sure you want to do this?” When I nodded, and without waiting for him to formulate the wrong conclusion, clambered over the fence into the pen.

Step one: cutting calves.

Learning to cut calves from the herd. Step two: into the chute.

Jack watches over what I’m doing and gives me guidance and pointers along the way. In the above photo I’m reaching for a calf’s tail but without much confidence. Once I get him up the chute, Jack tells me that I hesitated and the little calf had considered kicking me. “When you make your decision as to which one you’re cutting, you don’t hesitate. Get right in there behind him so he can’t get you,” he said, moving in close to the calf’s behind with his legs. “You get behind with one leg and move him against the fence with the other, like so.”

Receiving more calf handling pointers.

“Once you have them here you maintain control by keeping their heads from turning around. You do that by putting your hand in front of their eye as it come around and direct their head back.” He told me they can sometimes climb up and over the chute fencing, which I thought would make for some lively debate. “If that happens you pull back on their tails and that straightens them right out.”

Once you have them in front of the chute, you check what sex they are and if they have horn buds. When you move them into the chute you call out their gender and whether they have horns. That way the men know which procedures each calf needs. “We’re breeding most of them to be naturally dehorned, but because some of the mothers have horns or are from horned cows, they still show up every now and then.”

Step three: drugs, sex, and horny bulls (aka, branding, tagging, vaccinating, and cutting).

The little heifer hesitates so I encourage her into the chute.

“Heifer” I call out as I encourage her into the chute. The little calf moves on in and the process begins. The fact I only say ‘heifer’ means she is tagged, branded, and vaccinated only. The little bulls don’t have it so easy.

Note the branding iron just moving into the frame, top rhs.

The indignity of it all is expressed in this little guy's face.

“Horny bull,” I call out as I push on the calf’s behind. The men laugh. They are an easily entertained crew and a lot of fun to work with which made for a lot of laughs and light work of a fairly demanding job. Because of number 13’s gender status, the chute is tipped on its side so the men can rope up his hind leg to access his soon-to-be-removed testicles.

The branding irons working their magic.

Fetching the next part of the brand from the fire.

This brand is a three part brand which takes three different irons to make and Dennis’s brand is also his initials. There is a distinctive smell in the air, “Branding smoke,” Jack says as it wafts up around us in the calf pen, “I always loved the smell of branding smoke… that’s why I like to work back here.”

Castrating: Probably the least attractive aspect of today’s job is the ‘cutting’. The calf’s back leg is roped so the men doing the job don’t get kicked and can access the testicles without cutting the calf where he shouldn’t be cut. The testicles are saved in a bucket of cold water: I don’t think to ask why.

Opening the scrotum to access the testicles for removal.

Vaccinating: Amidst all the chaos, Jeff recharges the needles before administering the requisite injections.

Time to recharge the needle. Note the stainless steel bucket in the background. It contains the freshly cut testicles.

Dis-budding: The final step in the process. After everything else is complete, the calf has a basic formula placed on the areas of the skull where his horns would otherwise grow. This is a much gentler process than the traditional form of dis-budding which was akin to a large set of nail clippers that got placed over the little buds and crimped off, taking part of the skull with it. “Some calves would die of shock when we did it that way,” said one of the men, “So we prefer to do it this way if we can.”

A very basic solution (as opposed to acidic) that works on dissolving the horn buds.

With so many experienced hands on deck, by late afternoon the jobs are all done and it’s time to begin preparing for the dinner party. I’ll write about that in my next post!


Filed under Cattle, Learning to Farm

19 responses to “Cattle branding 2010

  1. ‘The testicles are saved in a bucket of cold water: I don’t think to ask why.’

    Because they’re delicious, Kristeva I’m disappointed in you 😉

  2. ocean

    yippee your back.

  3. What an interesting experience you were able to partake in. Now if you could just go on a real cattle drive, wouldn’t that be something. I’m glad to hear you had a great time.

    I think I could recite the dialogue from Lonesome Dove too…well Gus McCrae anyway. One of my my favorite movies to be sure.

    • I may have a chance to go later on in the summer! I’m both thrilled and freaked out by the idea. Thrilled cuz it would be such an amazing experience and freaked out cuz I’m not sure enough of my riding ability! I’d feel much better about it if I could use my own horse. Alas, he is still in Bella Coola.

      PS. Have you got a favourite scene? One of mine is the dialogue between Gus and Pee-eye when they are watching buffalo: “Let’s chase em, you want to?”
      “What, shoot us one for our supper?”

      It cracks me up.


  4. Of course I love any scene in that movie but I think my favorite might be the one where the army captain tried to requisition Dish’s horse in Ogallala. Newt jumped in to stop him and the Big army scout started beating on Dish and Newt.

    Call saw this, charged in with his horse and in a rage almost killed the scout with a branding iron. After gus lassoed him and hauled him away he pointed the iron at the crowd and said “I hate rude behavior in a man – I just won’t tolerate it.”

    When will they make another good western?

    I also like the scene in the second movie where Gus asked Call to hall is body all across the country so he could be buried in his special place.

    I think I will watch it again soon.:)

  5. Glad to see you posting again! If you perchance end up a couple hours north in Edmonton for whatever reason, you really should let me know…

    • Hi Kevin,

      Will definitely be in touch if I’m up your way! Thanks for the invite… ditto for if you find yourself down this way.

      PS. new favourite wine, The Black Chook from McLaren Vale. Have you tried it?

      Description: known for it’s consistent, Mediterranean-type climate and Langhorne Creek which characteristically produces Shiraz that is spicy, flavorful and elegant. Co-fermenting small amounts of Viognier skins with Shiraz adds wonderful apricot perfumes, at the same time as intensifying the deep rich color and velvety mouth-feel of the wine.


  6. What a fun experience! Great photos, too. I’ve written down the name of that wine, too…have to find it once this baby is out. 🙂
    Good luck with all your transitions, my heart goes out to you.

    • Hi Jillian,

      Well, Black Chook is very appropriate for you if you are preggers! Chook is the Aussie/New Zealand way of saying hen. It would be very appropriate for your first imbibe post delivery me thinks. You’ll find it in the Australian section of most larger liquor stores. Thanks for the supportive thoughts and encouragement… I need all the good vibes/support I can get right now!



  7. that’s just disgusting and violant !!!!!!! humans are insensitive! treating that poor animal like it’s a f*$king thing that doenst suffer!

    • Hello Ayshfi,

      I do wonder what you ate for dinner last night and how you suppose it got to your plate. You will note I’ve edited your comment. I don’t mind you having your say, but please keep it clean.


      • Camilla

        I ate an organic steak for dinner, and organic means all animals are castrated with pain relief and they use ear tags instead of branding.

  8. Do you have “proud” of this? God save you.. Monster. I can’t stop thinking, what if they pull off yours horns and burn your skin? Do you would like it? I don’t think so.. Sleep Well knowing that you are suporting this shit. Congratulations

  9. Jill Scott

    Would like to see these guys branded and have their testicles removed in the same fashion as they did to this baby. Horrible. Karma will get them.

  10. Jill Scott

    Seriously? You’re upset about someone typing a cuss word but the hell that these animals are put through is just fine with you? Unbelievable. And before you ask me how my food got on my plate, my conscience is clean. I’m a compassionate vegan.

  11. Camilla

    No animal deserves this torture, and you’re joking about the distress of a baby cow that’s literally being tortured! Would you enjoy it if I burnt you with a hot iron and ripped out your testicles with no pain relief?

    • Gail Ewart

      Agreed, and who’s the psychopath who loves the smell of the brand burning the innocent baby cow’s flesh?? Maybe we could brand him and see how he likes it. And the part where all the guys are laughing and having a good ‘ol time throughout this process. And to top it all off, they have a branding party afterwards! They have a good time torturing all these animals then wallow in it some more afterwards. What a bunch of sickos. And did you see the size of that brand? That’s effed up. Most farmers who care about their herd don’t need to put their initials on their animals to show how manly they are. Probably because they don’t have small man parts!!

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